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Saturday, November 05, 2005

One Size Fits Most?

How is that possible? The thong you see below is a ‘One Size Fits Most’ item. It’s made of 100% Nylon so it is very stretchy, but c’mon! If parts of me were bigger or smaller, or not so deep ;-) the thing wouldn’t be that comfortable. Well, actually it isn’t that comfortable. I’ve never met a thong that was comfortable. This is made by Male Power, and is pretty good, but of all the different types of men’s underwear thongs are on the bottom (or is that in the bottom) of the comfort scale. I can understand the debate between boxers and briefs – to have freedom or gentle restraint, both are good options. Bikinis do a little more binding, but are a nice sight when the pants are down. Hmmm, maybe that’s it – thongs are meant to come off! Eureka, there it is, of all the underwear styles out there a thong is always telling the wearer “I’m Here! (I’m in Your Rear!) Get used to it!” Well, it’s hard to get used to – so shortly after leaving the house, the wearer looks for a way to get out of it and the best way to do that is to find someone to help you do it! Oh, and the beauty of it all! Since the one I have is “One Size Fit’s Most” that person can try it an after me, and then I can help them get out of it! Enjoy the picture – I think I’m heading out. ;-)

PS – To my international readers – Is it acceptable for men to wear thongs in public in your country, like to the beach or something. It is barely acceptable for a woman to wear one in the US, but I know they wear them over seas. Do men? Let me know if they do, so I can visit. ;-)