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Friday, June 12, 2009


So here is the front of the Hind suit. I mentioned how it molded in the rear, so here is the example of how it molded to the front. This suit was one of the few polyester suits I have had. I don’t think they make them anymore. It was very comfortable but it sure hugged the body as the fabric started to thin out. I don’t know if you can see what I am talking about. I will look if I have a closer picture. The fabric was kind of getting transparent at that point too.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Ken said...

That Suit is *SO* HOT on you, Man!!!
Wear that and anything as clinging!

At 3:17 AM, Blogger Men doin' everything in nylon tricot said...

I've always thought it funny how out of context society takes wearing a Speedo now--especially a nylon one. Back when they were popular and guys wore them everywhere on the beach, at the pool, for underwear--whatever, because so many did, it was no big deal. You could show the goods, no one said anything (even though they looked), it was just accepted. Now guys have to wear boxer shorts under their dork shorts and swim suits have to be below the knees to be cool. Welcome back to the 90's. 1890's. lol So I totally accept, respect, understand, and appreciate your wearing a Speedo or other competition suit and enjoying them. That's what they were / are for and why I still wear them as well. Who wants to wait 3 hours for your long shorts to dry after swimming anyway?!


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