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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Thank God for Soap Net

My life has been a like a Soap Opera lately, uhg, everything falling apart (Dad in the hospital was the biggest thing) but stuff is getting back on track now – and speaking of Soap Operas – I was flipping through the cable channels tonight and passed Soap Net, you know, the channel that shows old Soap Opera episodes 24/7. Any way, “Dallas” was on and there was ‘Sue-Ellen’ trying to seduce Christopher Atkins (the guy from ‘The Blue Lagoon’) Mmmmm, he was wearing nothing but a bright smile and a Royal Blue Speedo. You could even see the logo. They did this long tracking shot with both of them walking and the camera was from the knees up – full frontal Speedo! I am sure they would never do that now, what with all the religious right wingers in the country complaining about everything, but let me tell you, the scene sent me to heaven. Does anyone know if this affair on “Dallas” progresses? Are there more Speedo scenes? Let me know! I may have to start watching every night now.

PS – Thanks for your patience guys. I should be able to post more often now. I’ll take some more pictures just for you.